
    Chark 3.0: LOS ANGELES
    The Celebration
< Ain't Nuttin like a Gangsta Partay >

@ A Secret Location
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Reception - 6/13/15
Brought to you by the parents of the Groom.

This reception is about family, friends, camaraderie...and games! A little friendly competition feeds the soul. Forget traditional. This is the ultimate unconventional, untraditional, mish mosh of people from every era of Cheryl and Clark's life, placed in one big pitt called . This is where you let loose and release your inner child. It is the ultimate finale celebration of the Chark Union Trilogy. A night full of fun, games, food, entertainment, great company, and a whole lot of crazy. Melding the distinct time periods of Chark and merging them all into oneā€¦the present.

Click here for the LA Celebration Party Gallery


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